A professional path might be the sum of choices linked to the studies you had chosen,
the dreams you nurture daily and the unforeseen events of life.
Sometimes the last ones can propose a new direction which you have not considered yet.
My work as graphic designer has begun with this taste.
After I got my degree I was working in an architectural studio in São Paulo when this opportunity came to me:
to work as bookcover graphic designer in a publishing house.
My first cover was titled Anunciação (Annuntiation), quite symbolic for the newborn professional path.
Since then the “reproducibility of images” arouses my interest and marvel!
The existence of the image in many copies detaches the reproduced object from a content in tradition,
thus enabling it to “meet the beholder” in their own particular situation.
Prints and digital images may exist anywhere, at any time, without losing anything,
and are thus available to any and all situations.
Walter Benjamin / The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936)

The information that we receive through our senses from the material world around us
has to be interpreted according to certain human rules before what we ordinarily call reality forms.
Raymond Williams / The Long Revolution (1961)
A professional path might be
the sum of choices linked to
the studies you had chosen, the
dreams you nurture daily and
the unforeseen events of life.
Sometimes the last ones might
propose a new direction which
you have not considered yet.
My work as graphic designer
has begun with this taste.
After I got my degree, I was working
in an architectural studio in São Paulo
when this opportunity came to me:
to work as bookcover graphic
designer in a publishing house.
My first cover was titled Anunciação
(Annuntiation), quite symbolic
for the newborn professional path.
The “reproducibility of images”
rouses my interest and marvel!
The existence of the image in
many copies detaches the reproduced
object from a content in tradition,
thus enabling it to “meet the beholder”
in their own particular situation.
Prints and digital images may exist
anywhere, at any time, without losing
anything, and are thus available
to any and all situations.
Walter Benjamin /
The Work of Art in the Age
of Mechanical Reproduction (1936)

The information that we receive
through our senses from the material
world around us has to be interpreted
according to certain human rules
before what we ordinarily
call reality forms.
Raymond Williams /
The Long Revolution (1961)

The allure of graphics and art pushed me to move to Italy, what I did in 1988.
I lived in Florence and then in Milan, where I could grow as a graphic design professional.
What intrigues me continuously about the graphic design is the visual metaphor made of imagery, colors and typography.
Metaphor which aim is to excite the curiosity and evoke a particular mood.
Metaphor which is always pure communication.
The allure in graphics and art
pushed me to move to Italy, what
I did in 1988. I lived in Florence and
then in Milan, where I could grow
as a graphic design professional.
What intrigues me continuously
about graphic design is the visual
metaphor made of imagery, colors
and typography. Metaphor which aim
is to excite the curiosity and evoke
a particular mood. Metaphor which
is always pure communication.